New Arrivals Pureaby and MIlky!


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Snuggle Hunny Kids is a destination for gorgeous baby snuggle swaddles, baby wrap blankets and baby growsuits that are created with the highest quality and love.  

Bespoke Swaddles - Jersey and Organic Muslin Wraps

Snuggle Hunny Kids specialises in unique and bespoke swaddles including the baby jersey wrap and the popular organic muslin wrap. Snuggle Hunny wraps and linen are created with a pleasing aesthetic and stylish design using quality materials. Don't forget to add a picture-perfect baby top knot headband to your purchase, they look adorable!

The Snuggle Hunny Kids collection provides mamas with beautiful and cheerful pieces for their kids & a perfect collection of gifts for the expecting mum & child. 

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